The Cross County School District has had one elementary teacher test positive for COVID-19 since school started. District employees and parents of students who may have come in contact with the teacher were contacted and notified of the possible contact. The District has followed protocols and sanitized all areas where the individual may have been, in addition to our everyday cleaning at the schools. In an abundance of caution, four employees and one class of elementary students will be required to quarantine. The impacted class will participate in remote learning instruction during the isolation period. The District will continue to notify anyone who came in contact with an individual who is positive for any future cases. We are continuously working with the Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to make sure we are following the most recent guidelines and keeping our schools as safe as possible. We continue to encourage all parents to temperature scan and monitor students closely for any sign of potential illness. Students should remain at home if they are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, new or persistent cough, headache, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, and/or stomach issues (diarrhea). We must work together to combat this virus and stay in school.
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
If you are a high school parent having trouble with Echo, check out this step-by-step guide for more information:
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
For clarification from our last message: this is the same form we fill out each year so all students can use our technology in their classrooms while at school. It also allows high school students to be issued their MacBooks! Normally we fill these forms out on paper, but this link allows you to fill it out digitally. We will see you tomorrow in school!
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
Attention CCSD Parents! Follow the link below to fill out the Acceptable Use Agreement so your student can pick up their Macbook or iPad tomorrow at school! You can fill out the form on your phone or computer. Make sure you enter an email address so a copy of the form can be sent back to you! We know our students are eager to get their technology--thank you for helping us complete the process without handling paper forms!
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
Thunderbird Football Fans! Please read this important information about our Friday night home football game! #tbirds
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
Parents and guardians! Click the link below to learn more about very important actions parents can take to help decrease the risk of COVID-19 spreading in our community! The information includes Cross County School District's COVID-19 hotline--please take time to write this number down so it is readily available throughout the year! #backtoschool
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
A huge THANK YOU to Jacob Hess and Wynne Rotary for the donation of 10 high-quality hand sanitizing stations for our schools! We are so grateful! #backtoschool
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
Click the presentation below for important information on our transportation procedures this year! #backtoschool
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
CCHS students and families! Check out this information guide for some fast facts about what to expect this year. #CCHS #backtoschool
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
Quick Guide
High School Parents! If you would like to check your student's assignments and grades on Echo, please fill out this survey!
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
3rd-6th grade PeeWee Thunderbird Cheer sign ups will be next Thursday, August 20, from 5:00-6:30 pm in-front of the Thunderbird football stadium! Please have a copy of your child’s up to date physical. If they had their physical at ArCare you do not need to bring it as it's already on file. Signups is for PARENTS ONLY. Please send ONE parent from your household as we are trying to do our part in limiting crowds. Masks will be required at all times! We will follow all social distancing guidelines. #tbirdspirit #thunderbirds
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
Open House for K, 7th, and new students is next week!
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
Open House Reminder
Please take note of the required immunizations needed for school.
over 4 years ago, Stephen Prince
Open House for Kindergarten students, 7th grade students, and all new students to the district will be Tuesday, August 18th, from 5:30 PM-7:30 PM. Masks will be required upon entrance and throughout Open House. If possible, please limit attendance to parents and the student.
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
High School schedules can be picked up today from 8:00-4:00 outside of the gym entrance! Masks will be required. We can't wait to see you there!
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
HS Schedule
Reminder: High school students may pick up their class schedules Monday, August 10th from 8:00AM-4:00PM by the gym entrance. We will also ask parents to complete registration updates and back-to-school packets. We can't wait to see everyone!
over 4 years ago, Stephen Prince
We're looking for a certified Educational Interpreter (sign language) today! For more information visit:
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
Cross County School District will now begin our 20-21 school year on August 24th! More information on the calendar will be released as soon as possible.
over 4 years ago, Rachel Luther
Congrats Camryn on a job well done at the recent FFA competition!
over 4 years ago, Stephen Prince
We have had 414 responses to our survey regarding returning to school this fall! That is an amazing number and are so proud of all the support you give Cross County Schools. We are almost there having every household respond. If you have not, please take a minute to respond to this brief survey and reply for every student you have attending Cross County.
over 4 years ago, Stephen Prince