Under Mrs. Nikki Williams’s leadership, CCHS’s Thunderbirds Against Drugs (TAD) group was awarded a grant from The Arkansas Sheriff’s Association to purchase materials and supplies to help the student group meet its goals and fund Red Ribbon Week. We would like to thank Cross County Sheriff, David West for the opportunity so we can continue to grow student leaders and bring awareness to all students.
almost 5 years ago, Stephen Prince
Our partners at NIET caught wind of CCETA's recent accomplishments and shared them nationwide. NIET's TAP System has provided our school with support and guidance in our efforts to put student learning at the center of all that we do.
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Stacy
Congratulations to our very first Be Excellent Challenge winner of the school year: Harrison McGee!
almost 5 years ago, Stephen Prince
Be excellent
AMI packets have all been placed on high school student laptops or students were given a paper copy. If your student received a paper copy, keep it in a safe place until needed. As a reminder, we will use AMI work in the event school is closed for an emergency or inclement weather. If your child did not get one, please contact the office with questions. Thank you for supporting our school!
about 5 years ago, Stephen Prince
Homecoming activities were a hit! The parade included so many creative floats with the week’s theme: “Battle of the Decades”. You could feel that school spirit from Kindergarten all the way to the Seniors! What a great way to end the school week and cheer on those Thunderbirds!
about 5 years ago, Stephen Prince
Mrs. Fisher’ class concluded their study of The Outsiders and to close it out, the students dressed as the two rival character groups: the Socs and the Greasers! What a great ending to a outstanding novel study!
about 5 years ago, Stephen Prince
Join us tonight at Thunderbird Stadium for homecoming at 6:00 PM. Then, the Thunderbirds will take on the Rector Cougars at 7:00. Come out and support the T-birds!!!
about 5 years ago, Stephen Prince
Did you hear? CCETA has been recognized by the Office for Education Policy for outstanding student growth on the ACT Aspire in the Northeast Arkansas Region and Arkansas Overall for the SECOND YEAR IN A ROW. Great job teachers and students for all of your hard work! 🎉💙
about 5 years ago, Jessica Stacy
CCSD is hosting a flu clinic for students Wednesday, October 16, 2019. If you have not completed paperwork for your student, there is still time. Call your child’s school with questions and to get the forms.
about 5 years ago, Stephen Prince
Flu shots
Did you hear the great news? We've got another A report card rating! Congratulations to our CCETA students and staff! We know we've got the best elementary school around! #hardworkpaysoff #proudTBirds
about 5 years ago, Rachel Luther
A Rating
Check out these #ThrowbackThursday photos of the Cross County class of 2005! Will you be joining your classmates at our Homecoming Game on the 18th?
about 5 years ago, Rachel Luther
05 a
05 2
Great things are happening in Mrs. Fisher’s English class! The students are reading The Outsiders. This week, students will be applying the book’s content to present the information as a court case with one of the main characters on trial. Students are applying conflict, imagery, and characterization from the novel study as part of the project. Thank you Mrs. Fisher for making your classes relevant and engaging for your students!
about 5 years ago, Stephen Prince
Students in Family and Consumer Science are taking care of their Flour Babies this week! We know one day, these students will make great parents!
about 5 years ago, Rachel Luther
Congratulations Noah on your first college acceptance! Noah was the FIRST person to RSVP to our FAFSA night and is on track to be college bound! If you're a senior and planning to go to college like Noah, make sure you RSVP to join us tomorrow night at our Taco Tuesday FAFSA dinner at 5:30 in the high school cafeteria! It's not too late! #C3 #pieceofcake
about 5 years ago, Rachel Luther
Noah M
Thank you to CrossRidge for feeding our Junior and Senior High football teams last week! #FridayNightLights #thankfulTBirds
about 5 years ago, Rachel Luther
CrossRidge Feeding
Mrs. Sanders grouped her students in class to create edible color wheels last week! What fun things will she think of next? #thunderbirds
about 5 years ago, Rachel Luther
Over the course of the week, Cross County High gave away tickets to the Cherry Fest carnival for students demonstrating excellence. We hope each student enjoyed the carnival!
about 5 years ago, Stephen Prince
Congratulations Ashton on your first college acceptance! So far, our Seniors have sent in 148 applications to 56 different colleges throughout the United States. Our Seniors make us proud to be a Thunderbird! #pieceofcake #C3
about 5 years ago, Rachel Luther
Calling all 1984 Thunderbird Football Alumni! Will you help us celebrate the 35th anniversary of your State Championship? Join us Friday, October 18th at 7:00 PM for our Homecoming Game to be recognized at halftime with your former teammates and coaches! Email nathan.morris@crosscountyschools.com to let us know you'll be there and that you're a proud #thunderbirdforlife
about 5 years ago, Rachel Luther
State Trophy
Ms. Armstrong's 7th grade science classes have been working hard studying atoms and the periodic table. They created their own version of the periodic table made up of brochures about their elements.
about 5 years ago, Whitney Armstrong
7th grade periodic table
7th grade periodic table